Tuesday, 21 October 2008

character description - Pacha

Pacha - short hair, blond, brushed to the center forming a small irokes with loads of hair gel. 168cm height, medium posture. Generaly handsome - as handsome as 16 year old can be - with ironic smile and daring glance gathers the attention of local birds. Slim legs, lots of scars on legs and hands, but not too visible.
grey jeans, black 'nike' shoes, yellow t-shirt, and a jacket: get some reference here on the clothing:
eyes - not blue, because he would end up looking like a nazi hitlerjugend, but not brown as well. green eyes, mean, vicious. thin eyebrows.
16 years old, is a cynical and arrogant epicentre of mutiny. hates his father who is always taking benefits and unemployed. Pacha drinks as hell, smokes, has got some after-match fights and brawls onto his account. die-hard fan of his local football club, he would not differ from any other youth from the block if not the fact that Pacha is endowed with a gift. When he has a ball at his feet, the guy does magic with it. He used to be a starlet of one of the youth teams, but got kicked out because the coach lost his patience for his not turning up for training sessions. He has got respect in the area - when Pacha plays in one of the teams during street sparring - this team wins. The only problem is that recently Pacha spends more time on his rowdy way of life rather than on playing football. Shame, because he has potential to become an international player. In spite of it - he does not care - no ambition. Untill he meets Maks.
For him in football outfit refer to:

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