Thursday, 23 October 2008

schedule ver.0.2

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

character description - Pacha

Pacha - short hair, blond, brushed to the center forming a small irokes with loads of hair gel. 168cm height, medium posture. Generaly handsome - as handsome as 16 year old can be - with ironic smile and daring glance gathers the attention of local birds. Slim legs, lots of scars on legs and hands, but not too visible.
grey jeans, black 'nike' shoes, yellow t-shirt, and a jacket: get some reference here on the clothing:
eyes - not blue, because he would end up looking like a nazi hitlerjugend, but not brown as well. green eyes, mean, vicious. thin eyebrows.
16 years old, is a cynical and arrogant epicentre of mutiny. hates his father who is always taking benefits and unemployed. Pacha drinks as hell, smokes, has got some after-match fights and brawls onto his account. die-hard fan of his local football club, he would not differ from any other youth from the block if not the fact that Pacha is endowed with a gift. When he has a ball at his feet, the guy does magic with it. He used to be a starlet of one of the youth teams, but got kicked out because the coach lost his patience for his not turning up for training sessions. He has got respect in the area - when Pacha plays in one of the teams during street sparring - this team wins. The only problem is that recently Pacha spends more time on his rowdy way of life rather than on playing football. Shame, because he has potential to become an international player. In spite of it - he does not care - no ambition. Untill he meets Maks.
For him in football outfit refer to:

character description - Maks

Maks - black, straight hair, medium long reaching below ears, without parting. Wispy fringe falling on the forehead. Black, plastic glass frames - relic from the era of tweed suits and whole lot of retro stuff. Straight nose, mouth - upper lip thin, lower lip full, thick. Oval face with significant chin. Precisely shaved. Rather serious face, low-key.
Around 180 cm height, normal stature. Long dark brown coat, always unzipped. Under this, white t-shirt without collar, beige corduroys, black leather suit shoes. Polished. Silver analogue watch on the left hand.
35 years old, idealist, optimist, possibly a bit naive - believes in his mission, and thinks he can make the world a better place. Graduated Social Rehabilitation and Pedagogy. Son of famous football coach, who won Polish Football league title once or twice and was about to become a national team coach, but it was found out that he sold few matches and his brilliant career finished with a scandal - now a boozer. In contrast, Maks is going to follow suit and create a real football team out of a teenagers crew from nearby housing estates, and ipso facto give them better vision of the future rather than thefts and robberies. He has good willing, but have no idea about what's going on. Though having the knowledge from his university, he has no 'practice'. Until the moment, when he meets Pacha. Maks is the main protagonist, and meanwhile a narrator of the story. (at least in the pilot episode, where he introduces the story). Maks raised up in the same area where Pacha & Co. and knows what a podunk it is. This is why, because he had a mediocre childhood in this place - he decides to give guys a chance.

why we think it should be an animation.

we've got the script, very cinematic script. therefore why should we make an animation based on it? it's an important question
in the very moment, the only answer would be 'to get my degree'. doing something only because we can do it is a non-sense, and in now, something we would like to create, probably would come out better as live action. maybe we should do it this way then?
the question is what are the pro's of showing this as an animation. at least partly animated live action. what could it be. the cult of Captain Tsubasa? a possibility of exaggerating action in the scenes where Pacha plays football to make it much more interesting? or the need of 'distancing' the seriousness of the script? why the hell do we want this to be an animation?
in my opinion, quite the contrary - to abolish Tsubasa's myth.
to put an end to thinking, that cartoon has to be light and sweet, and when it's adult cartoon: it has to be iconoclastic and loaded with swearwords (though we'll smuggle in some f-words, but not in the way as it is in South Park or Wlatcy Moch). I think it's worth to make it as an animation because there is a sort of 'gap in the market' for this kind. this gap is being slowly filled with animations like Renaissance, Persepolis or, recently Waltz for Bashir. and it sells well.
Of course, a handful of common reasons: because we can manipulate the picture in every possible way, play with the mood and colours, what, with our equipment and our technical possibilities is impossible as a live-action-only.
Last but not least - cartoonish background of the film does emphasises its paranoism. we just have to go away from anime-like Tsubasa and come out with something new, not-renaissancesque, not-southparkesque, not-animatrixesque.

Thursday, 9 October 2008


Allow me to present a story of a polish youth who's had the chance to hit rock bottom and bounce back up from it.
A guy who's been given a second chance in life.
A guy who was endowed with a gift and another guy who believed in him.
A sucker overwhelmed by his temper and emotions.
Allow me to present a story of a guy whose choices have dragged everyone else down.
It's not going to be just a sport story.
It's not going to be just a's going to be story of a chance.
A wasted chance.
Meet Pacha (in polish pronounciation).
Pacha's from Poland.
And the thing takes place in Katowice...

scene list.

Pacha stojacy w deszczu na wejsciu, jest ciemno, ma na sobie umorusana koszulke zespolu pilkarskiego (dopiero urwal sie z treningu), i jakas palke w rece. wodzenie kamera, najazd na twarz - urywek - rozmowa Pachy z Maksem, wrzeszcza na siebie, Maks przestrzega go, zeby nie byl glupi, nie próbowal niczego sam; znów najazd na pache w tej samej scenerii; urywek -
pacha na meczu strzelajacy gola - glos komentatora oglaszajacy go najwiekszym talentem okolic; powrót na Pache i urywek; scena w izbie wytrzezwien, Maks daje w lape ochroniarzowi zeby wypuscil nawalonych niepelnoletnich zawodników i opierdala ich przy wyjsciu, wyzywajac od
glupków zaprzepaszczajacych ostatnia szanse. ;Pacha na deszczu - zaciska piesci, drzy; urywek - Maks wyciagajacy ich z aresztu - mówi, ze dostali ostatnia szanse od prokuratora i moga uniknac poprawczaka poddajac sie resocjalizacji (tu gra w pilke); Pacha; Pacha z Zuzia na lawce, caluja
sie, nagle Pacha zauwaza siniaka na plecach zuzki a ona przyznaje sie, ze to ojciec; Pacha - teraz twarz, zacieta i wsciekla i dwa urywki po sobie - Pacha tonacy w objeciach kolegów po strzeleniu gola i wywiad z lokalna telewizja o ofercie klubu z drugiej ligi - wielka szansa.; Pacha - zblizenie na palke w jego rece.; Pacha - dalszy ciag pierwszego urywku z klótni z Maksem - maks wola, zebyp oszedl z tym na gliny i nie zaprzepaszczal tym swojej szansy, bo po czyms takim na pewno mu nie popuszcza; Pacha, a potem seria szybkich urywków - placzaca zuzia która przybiega do niego w deszczu z podbitym okiem, Zuzia mówiaca mu ze go kocha, scena z tego, jak pasze w przeszlosci przywalil ojciec; Pacha - oddycha ciezko, w koncu przechodzi przez ulice, wchodzi do klatki schodowej - scena na przednia sciane bloku, slychac tylko kroki, dzwonek do drzwi, a potem slowa pachy - "Zuza, odsun sie", a potem "Teraz dostaniesz za swoje, skurwielu".

na koniec - mozemy urwac w tym momencie kiedy on wchodzi, zeby koncówka byla do domyslenia sie, lub, isc w kierunku rychlej przyszlosci - Zuza placzaca na schodach klatki schodowej (jak wczesniej, gdy plakala w urywku przy Pasze), ale teraz placze znacznie mocniej, swiatla karetki i policji stojacej na ulicy, niespieszacych sie doktorów taszczacych ojca do karetki (który niezbyt sie rusza), i dwóch gliniarzy transportujacych Pache do radiowozu - Pacha wyprowadzany patrzy na Zuze, która spoglada na niego nie z wdziecznoscia, a nienawiscia, patrzy na stojacego w tlumie maksa który tylko kreci z niedoweirzaniem glowa (dzialania nie poprawily sytuacji, wrecz przeciwnie - wszyscy przegrali).

przed zakonczeniem, mozemy dac jeszcze obraz maksa - który wrzeszczy do oddalajacego sie pachy - "Pacha, nie zaprzepaszczaj tego, na co tyle pracowales dla glupiego impulsu". ( wybór pomiedzy sumieniem a szansa)